We all usually work hard all our lives for our home, savings and our cherished possessions and would like them to pass down to our children or other chosen loved ones when we are no longer here.
But, unfortunately, that is not always the case for a significant number of people. Indeed, The National Consumer Council reported that around one million people suffered financially…. all because their loved one didn’t make a legal valid Will.
On top of this it doesn’t comfort us to see newspaper and TV reports about thousands of people each year suffering loss from their inheritance to “unintended others” such as care authorities and the taxman. Nor does it help when we hear of cases, (where a surviving spouse marries again) where future spouses and their children inherit and your children may receive little or nothing!
“Despite all this” say Andrew Stock, Director of Secure Inheritance Legal Services, “many people blindly assume, innocently, that when we are no longer here everything we have will pass on to our spouse / partner/ and children automatically. This innocent assumption could prove to be devastating for too many families”.
Without a Will you have no say: strict Government Rules decide who gets what. Your spouse does not automatically receive everything, and an unmarried partner could end up with little or even nothing.
“With a Will,” says Andrew, “you decide who gets what, and who doesn’t. Moreover, with the ‘Right’ Will and good planning, you can protect your children wherever possible to help ensure they don’t lose part of their inheritance unnecessarily to ‘unintended’ others.”
At Secure Inheritance Legal Services Ltd we don’t just “do” Wills, we specialise in the ‘Right” Will’ for you. Over the years our expert team have helped many clients ensure that you have the right Will and planning best suited to your needs, efficiently and economically.
“We make it easy for you to make a Will because I come to you at a time to suit you and take your instructions in the comfort and privacy of your own home.”
So, whether you need a simple Will, or whether you want something more protective, making the right Will for you is easy with Secure Inheritance Legal Services Ltd, and with a single basic Will starting at just £89 it also makes it very affordable.
So, don’t leave it any longer, make your Will now, your family will be glad you did. For more information, or to arrange a home visit, call ADVISER NUMBER today and let ADVISER FIRST NAME help you achieve your own peace of mind.